Paul Ryan VP Pick Adds Social Media Muscle

Mitt Romney didn’t just get a running mate in Rep. Paul Ryan — he inherited a robust, engaged social media apparatus that will be critical to volunteerism and conservative voter turnout….

One reason Ryan has such solid social media standings is that he uses the technology effectively, said Amy Brown, a digital media strategist with Harris Media LLC, the firm that managed U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz’s upset victory in the Texas Republican primary earlier this month. Engagement is critical to having a following that can be swayed to act on your behalf, Brown said.

“He has utilized YouTube to push his Path to Prosperity budget, he posts personal pictures on Facebook of his turkey hunting, he uses hashtags like #FullRepeal and uses the twitter handles of Speaker Boehner and Harry Reid to debate the issues,” Brown said. “His youth and continued straight talk on social media will be very successful.”

Click HERE to read the full story on Politico.