Tolbert: Busy Q&A For Asa Hutchinson On Social Media
Republican gubernatorial candidate Asa Hutchinson took to Facebook and Twitter to answer questions directly for voters on Thursday evening.
The #AskAsaAR was certainly not the first time a candidate has interacted via social media in Arkansas, but it was one of the busiest such events generating more than 200 tweets from both sides of the aisle within an hour time period. Asa answered over 30 questions from friends and foes during the hour long question-and-answer session.
It was certainly one of the more active social media “townhalls” we have seen in Arkansas, and I would not be surprised if it becomes more common for candidates to interact in a similar format.
“For the 2014 cycle, if candidates aren’t interacting via social media, then they’re irrelevant. At this point, social media is not a new thing, it’s the thing,” said Audrey Savins with Harris Media who helped organize the event.
“Twitter houses a hyper-engaged audience and it’s important that candidates reach this sect because it has become the home of the 24-hour news cycle,” she added. ”Facebook is important because of the wealth of data it holds which allows an extreme degree of targeting so it is great for gathering supporters around specific issues and for GOTV efforts later down the line. Being effective on social media allows you to get your message heard by the right people at the right time.”