Liljenquist Steps Up Campaign Efforts
“Dan Liljenquist stepped up his campaign efforts, even flooding popular sites and mobile apps such as Pandora with “Dan for Utah” ads. Rep. Holly Richardson, who resigned from the legislature last week to assist Liljenquist’s campaign, has been pushing the campaign on social media sites. Her resignation was even reported on national Fox News. Richardson was named campaign chair for Liljenquist.”
“Today, Liljenquist’s campaign office announced that Rusty Cannon had resigned Tuesday from his seat as chair of the Davis County Republican Party to aide Liljenquist. Cannon was named as the finance chairman for Liljenquist. ‘It is exciting to have someone of Rusty’s caliber join us. He is both well-connected and well-regarded throughout the state,’ said Liljenquist in a press release. ‘Running an effective campaign means having enough money to get our message out, and Rusty is key to that. He has spent his career in the financial sector and brings the determination and enthusiasm we need.'”