Our work with Senator Rob Portman was just covered in a recent case study released by i360. If you would like to read a bit of the article you can do so below. If you would like to read our case study consider visiting: https://www.harrismediallc.com/2017/01/11/case-study-rob-portman/ “Right out of the gate, the Portman campaign knew it was…

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A Harris Media Case Study: Portman for Senate

If you would like to learn what we can do for you visit: https://www.harrismediallc.com/contact/

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Portman Makes Push for Student Voters in Ohio

Sen. Rob Portman launched a new coalition of college student supporters from different universities around Ohio Monday as a way to organize and reach a key demographic for his re-election campaign. In a release shared Monday with RealClearPolitics, the campaign announced student chairs at 18 different schools, including The Ohio State University, one of the…

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Infographic: State of the Union on Social Media

President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address provided an opportunity for our team to produce creative, engaging, and topical content for our clients. The Harris Media team put together a wealth of material for the SOTU, from memes and Facebook posts to videos and witty Twitter retorts. Our infographic highlights some of our clients’…

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